วันเสาร์ที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ.2567

In the midst of a crisis, Still see the kindness Via Pansuk.

 22 พ.ค. 2563 13:47 น.    เข้าชม 384

On May 21st, Colonel Suth Khet Sriniltin, the commander of the 33rd Scout Division and Mr. Amon Chum, the District Chief Officer of Pinang bring consumer goods in a closet to share happiness for the affected people from the epidemic of COVID-19 in Ramadan. These consumer goods were used in daily life to alleviate suffering, including encouragement for people in the area.

In this regard, the Task Force 33 Scout Division has publicized the people in the area to share happiness. The sharing is to bring things to put in the distribution booths at the Krapinang District Office, Yala Province. People can pick items based on appropriate needs or share it and more importantly, keep the distance strictly according to various government measures.
